Studies from India

13 Recent Epidemiologic Studies on the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Conducted on the Indian Subcontinent

Why Epidemiologic Studies on the Indian Subcontinent are Critically Important in Comparison to Studies in Western Countries

Why Epidemiologic Studies on the Indian Subcontinent are Critically Important in Comparison to Studies in Western Countries

Lead Author Year Odds Ratio or risk increase *Statistical Significance or **p value
Rai et al. (India) 2008 2.21-fold p = < 0.05
Kaur et al. (India) 2011 2.79-fold p = < 0.001
Lodha et al. (India) 2011 1.91-fold p = 0.214 (not significant)
Santhy et al. (India) 2012 1.22-fold not significant
Balasubrahmanian et al. (India) 2013 2.08-fold 1.15 - 3.75
Bhadoria et al. (India) 2013 6.26-fold 4.16 - 9.41
Kamath et al. (India) 2013 5.75-fold 1.27 - 25.99
Roy et al. (India) 2014 10.66-fold p < 0.0001
Takalkar et al. (India) 2014 2.8-fold 1.82 - 5.12
Langer et al. (India) 2012 2.55-fold p = < 0.003
De Silva et al. (Sri Lanka) 2010 3.42-fold 1.75 - 6.66
Raza (Pakistan) 2011 6.80-fold p < 0.05
Jabeen et al. (Bangladesh) 2013 20.62-fold data not shown
Average Odds Ratio   5.31-fold  

*Statistical significance means scientists are at least 95% confident that the results obtained were not due to chance or error. If the 95% confidence interval does not cross the line of unity (1.0), then the findings are considered statistically significant. For example, a confidence interval of 1.0 - 1.4 is statistically significant; but a confidence interval of 0.7 - 1.3 is not statistically significant.

**A p value of less than 0.05 indicates a strong trend.


1.  Rai M, et al. Indian J. Prev. Soc. Med. 2008;39:71-77.

2.  Kaur N, et al. JIMSA 2011;24(4):163-165.

3.  Lodha R, et al. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2011;12:2111-2115.

4.  Santhy KS, et al. Asian J Res Social Sciences Humanities 2012;2(3)27-32.

5.  Balasubramaniam SM, et al. Indian Journal of Cancer 2013;50(1)65-70.

6.  Bhadoria AS, et al. Indian Journal of Cancer 2013:50(4)316-321.

7.  Kamath R, et al. Indian Journal of Community Medicine, 2013;38(2)95-99.

8.  Roy A, et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;3(6):1213-1226.

9.  Takalkar U, et al. Research in Endocrinology 2014:1-6.

10. Langer B, Langer R, Gupta R, Singh B. Global J Med Pub Health 2012;1(4):3-6.

11.  De Silva M, et al. Cancer Epidemiology 2010;34:267-273.

12.  Raza U, et al. Journal of Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2011;23(1):9-14.

13.  Jabeen S, et al. Journal of Dhaka Medical College 2013;22(1):61-66.